Advanced Fuel Research, Inc. (AFR) launched its first commercial spin-off company in 1991 with the creation of On-Line Technologies, Inc. (OLT). Since 1991, AFR has been involved in the launching and/or creation of multiple business units and companies.
MKS - On-Line Products Group
The first commercial success venture included the creation of On-Line Technologies, Inc. (OLT) in 1991. OLT specialized in the development and marketing of FT-IR based process monitoring equipment for the semiconductor industry and environmental applications. It was purchased by MKS Instruments in 2001 and is now called the On-Line Products Group.
Real Time Analyzers, Inc.
The second commercial success venture was Real Time Analyzers, Inc. which was created in 2001 to develop, manufacture, and market FT-Raman Instruments for process monitoring and homeland security applications.
Image Insight, Inc.
In early 2006, AFR created its ImTelligence business unit to focus on advanced image analysis technologies, including video-centric radiation detection for homeland security applications. The radiation detection technology was renamed GammaPix. In 2011 AFR created a separate company called Image Insight, Inc., based on the radiation detection technology that was developed through GammaPix.
Next Generation Energy
Pre-commercial business unit has also been established for alternative energy (Next Generation Energy).
Science in Motion
The R&D activity for our technology enhanced science education business unit was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Science Foundation. This work is being continued by an affiliated company called TheBeamer.
R&D 100 Award Winner 2012, 2008, 2001, 1996, and 1995